A Karen boy with thanaka on his face. Thanaka is widely used in Myanmar by all ethnic groups to purify and protect the skin. Kayin State, Myanmar, March 2019
A Karen soldier of the DKBA armed group. Kayin State, Myanmar, March 2019
A KNDO soldier that lost his leg during the conflict, playing a traditional Burmese volley-football. Kaw Tho Lei village in Kayin State, Myanmar, March 2019
DBKA soldiers rehearsing before a military memorial ceremony. Waw Lay, Kayin State, Myanmar, March 2019
Dining facility for guests of a Karen military parade. Kayin State, Myanmar, March 2019
Improvised barracks for DKBA soldiers attending a military memorial ceremony in Waw Lay. Kayin State, Myanmar, March 2019
Karen villager in Taotah, a remote village in Kayin State, Myanmar, March 2019
An official memorial ceremony for a General of the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army in Waw Lay village. The DBKA in a Karen minority armed group that is not under contol of the Myanmar Army but with whom a ceasefire has been agreed. Kayin State, Myanmar, March 2019
Karen combattant that lost his leg on an anti personnel mine in Kayin State, Myanmar, March 2019
An informal border crossing on the Waw Le river seperating Thailand and DKBA contolled territory within Burma. Kayin State, Myanmar, March 2019
KNDO soldier during a break. Kaw Tho Lei, Kayin State, Myanmar, March 2019
Karen children competing in a traditional Karen boxing tournament in Waw Lay, Kayin State, Myanmar, March 2019
Karen soldiers of the DKBA armed group. Kayin State, Myanmar, March 2019
Villagers and family of combattants attending a workshop about humanitarian law and protection of civilians during armed conflict. Kaw Tho Lei village in government non-controlled territory. Kayin State, Myanmar, March 2019
KNDO soldiers fishing in the Moei River seperating Thailand and Kayin State in Myanmar, March 2019
KNDO soldier patrolling one of the access roads to the KNDO Headquarter. Kayin State, Myanmar, March 2019
Karen National Defense Organisation soldiers attending a workshop about humanitarian law and protection of civilians during armed conflict. Kaw Tho Lei village in government non-controlled territory. Kayin State, Myanmar, March 2019
Karen National Defense Organisation Soldiers resting in their barracks. Kayin State, Myanmar, March 2019
An official memorial ceremony for a General of the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army in Waw Lay village. The DBKA in a Karen minority armed group that is not under contol of the Myanmar Army but with whom a ceasefire has been agreed. Kayin State, Myanmar, March 2019
Children of Karen combattants playing near the KNDO Headquarters in Kayin State, Myanmar, March 2019
Karen soldiers of the DKBA armed group. Kayin State, Myanmar, March 2019
KNDO soldier during a break. Kaw Tho Lei, Kayin State, Myanmar, March 2019
Karen villagers building a house with local timber. Taotah village in Kayin State, Myanmar, March 2019
Karen villagers building a house with local timber. Taotah village in Kayin State, Myanmar, March 2019
An official memorial ceremony for a General of the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army in Waw Lay village. The DBKA in a Karen minority armed group that is not under contol of the Myanmar Army but with whom a ceasefire has been agreed. Kayin State, Myanmar, March 2019
KNDO soldier during a break. Kaw Tho Lei, Kayin State, Myanmar, March 2019
Entrance of a Christian church compound in Waw Lay, Karen State, Myanmar, March 2019
Karen National Defense Organisation soldiers attending a workshop about humanitarian law and protection of civilians during armed conflict. Kaw Tho Lei village in government non-controlled territory. Kayin State, Myanmar, March 2019
Children of Karen combattants playing in the barracks of the KNDO Headquarters in Kayin State, Myanmar, March 2019
Karen National Defence Organisation (KNDO) soldiers during a break. Kaw Tho Lei, Kayin State, Myanmar, March 2019
DBKA soldiers rehearsing before a military memorial ceremony. Waw Lay, Kayin State, Myanmar, March 2019
The Karen National Defense Organisation (KNDO) headquater in Kaw Tho Lei in Kayin State, Myanmar, March 2019
Karen villagers building a house with local timber. Taotah village in Kayin State, Myanmar, March 2019
A Karen soldier of the DKBA armed group. Kayin State, Myanmar, March 2019
An official memorial ceremony for a General of the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army in Waw Lay village. The DBKA in a Karen minority armed group that is not under contol of the Myanmar Army but with whom a ceasefire has been agreed. Kayin State, Myanmar, March 2019
An old lady with thanaka on her face. Dining facility for guests of a Karen military parade. Kayin State, Myanmar, March 2019
Children of Karen combattants playing near the KNDO Headquarters in Kayin State, Myanmar, March 2019
An official memorial ceremony for a General of the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army in Waw Lay village. The DBKA in a Karen minority armed group that is not under contol of the Myanmar Army but with whom a ceasefire has been agreed. Kayin State, Myanmar, March 2019
Karen children competing in a traditional Karen boxing tournament in Waw Lay, Kayin State, Myanmar, March 2019
Karen villagers preparing food for a military ceremony in Waw Lay, Kayin State, Myanmar, March 2019
Karen mother and child. KNDO armed group Headquarters in Kayin State, Myanmar, March 2019
Karen child taking refuge from the sun under his house. Waw Lay village in Democratic Karen Buddhist Army controlled territory. Kayin State, Myanmar, March 2019